I believe that everything that happens in life is meant to be. It was on a recent hiking trip in Maine with 3 of my oldest friends from childhood that I had an Aha moment. It goes without saying the week was so much fun with my girlfriends eating, drinking and talking about the good old times growing up in NJ. But that wasn’t the Aha moment. It was the second day of the hike that I ended up in dense forest with a woman from our hiking group that was struggling to keep up. So without thinking I stayed behind to help her so she wouldn’t be alone. As we talked I found out she was a fellow IIN (Institute of Integrative Nutrition) graduate, the same year as me. Although she studied purely to help herself, family and friends, she enjoyed talking about what she learned. At the end of the day and for the next few days she was forever grateful I had helped her; she was literally buying me anything I wanted when we were out. But the Aha moment was the last hour of our 5-day trip as we were on the bus heading back to the airport that she turned to me to say that I had inspired her to tell her story about how she healed from digestive issues (the same as me) and that she was now ready to start a blog to help and encourage others. Although she told me the hiking was fun, it was this revelation that changed her thinking and for the first time, gave her a purpose. I’ll never forget the huge smile on her face when she told me. When anyone tells us we have helped them or made them feel special, it’s another Aha moment.
We plan to keep in touch because these connections in life don’t just happen without a reason. She has also inspired me to get writing again. I’ve decided to focus on writing blogs on this website. I plan to use this platform to talk to you about my life and the amazing people I meet. And why sometimes hardships come our way to teach us how to be a much stronger person.
If you are interested in a confidential, complimentary 30-minute discovery call with me then please send me an email. cindy@cindymackintosh.com