cindy mackintosh cindy mackintosh

Women’s Only Reboot Retreat

Welcome to the Women's Only Reboot Retreat in Provence!

Do you feel like you're running empty, stretched thin, and need much-needed time? Then our Reboot Retreat is exactly what you need! We understand that life can be overwhelming, and finding time for self-care can be difficult. Our retreat is designed to help women take a step back and prioritise their health, well-being, and contentment.

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cindy mackintosh cindy mackintosh


The Link Between Your Emotional and Physical Gut

We've all heard the expression, “Trust Your Gut”. Think of that gut feeling you had when you met your first love or connected with a new friend that you share so much in common with. Why do you feel something in your stomach? Because our stomach is linked to our brain.

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Marion de Leon Marion de Leon

Wheel of Life

The wheel of life is a tool we use in coaching to illuminate the many aspects of our lives that feed us beyond the food on our plate. We call this Primary Food and it reaches across our career, finances, and spirituality.

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Marion de Leon Marion de Leon

My Aha Moment

I believe that everything that happens in life is meant to be. It was on a recent hiking trip in Maine with 3 of my oldest friends from childhood that I had an Aha moment. It goes without saying the week was so much fun with my girlfriends eating, drinking and talking about the good old times growing up in NJ.

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