Wheel of Life

The wheel of life is a tool we use in coaching to illuminate the many aspects of our lives that feed us beyond the food on our plate.  We call this Primary Food and it reaches across our career, finances, and spirituality. Health coaching through primary food is a way of identifying our imbalances so we can focus our time and energy more efficiently to create a more balanced life. With so many conflicting messages in regards to health on the internet, it’s essential and ultimately more effective, to look at your own personalized circle and focus in on what YOU need. 
By using the Wheel of Life, you can assess how your relationships, finances, spirituality, and career are going and see what's working and what has room for improvement.  You'll soon discover achieving balance is more than simply eating a healthy diet. So much more goes into your wellbeing, which is why we also focus on primary food. Remember that these "foods" feed us too. If you have a spiritual practice you can relate to these subtle energies that feed us in a way entirely different to food, but have just as much value and "nutrition".
At the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, where I studied, we were taught that food is a secondary source of nourishment and energy.  The body will heal itself when given half a chance, but you need to give your body the right tools it needs in order to get there. By reviewing your relationships, for example, and giving your body the right food, the right amount of rest and the right amount of activity, it will heal itself.
I am living proof that Primary Food works for optimal health. I still live and breathe this wheel on a daily basis. It all started for me with secondary food, when I switched to more of a plant-based diet.  I then discovered health coaching (my perfect career) and ended negative relationships which no longer served me.  Then I found spirituality, which has been so fulfilling.  Each of these changes fed into each other and I now ensure I make an effort towards balance in all other aspects too. It's inevitable that we encounter ups and downs every single day of life, it is a simple reality of being alive.  The key is to keep an eye on the downs and implement change before it impacts overall health.
Take a look at your Wheel of Life. What’s out of balance? The first step is to simply recognize the imbalances and then think about the changes you can make. When you are fully aware of what needs to stay or go, you must take action.  I am offering an initial gift of support with a 30 minute discovery call with me.  
Get in touch, cindy@cindymackintosh.com



My Aha Moment